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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Update?

A software update is a new version of your Maveryx software that fixes features that aren’t working as intended or adds minor software enhancements and compatibility.

What is an Upgrade?

A software upgrade is a new version of your Maveryx software that offers a significant change or improvement over your current version.

What is a Customization?

Customization is a new solution that the Maveryx R&D Team can develop for Enterprise subscribers’ personal needs. The Maveryx Team will provide a quotation for every item.

What is a Dedicated Support Engineer?

A Dedicated Support Engineer is a Senior Software Engineer who works with Enterprise subscribers as a direct point of contact with the Maveryx Support Team.

Can I run tests using data from an external source?

Yes, Maveryx offers Data-Driven Testing features. It is possible to separate test case logic from their data for both Keyword-Driven and Java tests. Maveryx supports external sources such as CSV, XML and XLSX files for data preparation. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

How do I interact with multiple windows and/or iframe in Maveryx?

Maveryx is able to switch from one window (or frame) to another with the simple ‘switch to’ command. With this command, the window/frame tree can be navigated upwards or downwards, narrowing the search area for widgets of interest. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

How do I interact with objects that have the same properties in Maveryx?

Every object in a graphical user interface is generally defined by a role (a property) and other information such as ID, name, tooltip, etc… For example, a button with the label ‘OK’ is characterised by role=BUTTON and name= “OK”.

Maveryx is able to recognize objects at runtime by using this basic role-name information pair defined in the test case.

However, in the case of low ‘maintainability’ of the application being tested, there are also scenarios in which this information is fuzzy or used in more than one object (multiple objects). In particular, in the case in which the role-name information pair is not unique (there are different objects in the UI with the same properties), Maveryx offers several possible approaches to resolving the ambiguity. (1) Obviously, the immediate most trivial resolution is to use a different ‘name’ for the object of interest by searching for any possible information that might characterize it uniquely. For example, a different tooltip, etc. (2) In the case where completely identical objects are contained in different widgets, a container object can be defined using the same role-name pair. For example: role=BUTTON, name=OK, container role=DIALOGUE, container name=CONFIRM. (3) In the event that the objects to be disambiguated are also contained in the same container object, the instance number of the object of interest can be specified. For example, if there are two identical ‘OK’ buttons, but I’m interested in the first of these: instance=1, role=BUTTON, name=OK. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

How can I delay a test step until the element has loaded in Maveryx?

Maveryx provides the option of defining waiting times to manage the loading of the application to be tested between one test action and another (loading time). Specifically, it is possible to define a fixed waiting time (a ‘delay’ or ‘sleep’) and a dynamic waiting time that depends on the actual loading time (‘wait for object’). The latter method, in particular, makes it possible to wait for the loading of a specific object until a maximum waiting time (time-out) is reached. During this time, the system will automatically verify, at regular time intervals, the loading of the object. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

How can I run automated tests against Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or CAPTCHA mechanisms in Maveryx?

Testing two-factor authentication (2FA) and CAPTCHA mechanisms in an automated way can be difficult because they require human interaction or perception. Nevertheless, there are some approaches that you can take:

1. Override the mechanism: for the purpose of the test, it’s possible to create a test environment in which 2FA or CAPTCHA are overridden or simulated, allowing the automated tests to proceed without human intervention. However, this approach can only partially replicate real world scenarios.

2. API Tests: if the 2FA or CAPTCHA mechanism has an API interface, it’s possible to automate tests which interact with this API. This allows the behaviour of the mechanism to be simulated programmatically without the need to interact with the user interface.

3. Bypass mechanisms: in some cases, it might be possible to bypass the 2FA or CAPTCHA mechanism during testing by configuring accounts or test environments to skip these steps. Nevertheless, this approach should be used with caution, as it might be necessary to accurately represent system behaviour in a production environment.

4. Visual recognition: for CAPTCHA mechanisms that are based on visual recognition, image recognition features can be used to automate the reading and resolution process of CAPTCHA. This approach involves analyzing the CAPTCHA image and extracting the characters or patterns for further processing.

5. Manual intervention: sometimes it might be necessary to combine automated tests with manual intervention. For example, it’s possible to use automated tests to access a page with a 2FA or CAPTCHA challenge and then pause the execution to allow a human tester to manually complete the challenge. Once the challenge is complete, the automated test can resume execution.

Remember to consider the security implications of exclusion or automation of interactions with 2FA or CAPTCHA mechanisms, as these are often in place to protect the user account and sensitive information. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

How do I check that my application’s 2FA mechanism works with Maveryx?

Testing two-factor authentication (2FA) and CAPTCHA mechanisms in an automated way can be difficult because they require human interaction or perception. Nevertheless, there are some approaches that you can take. We have also covered this topic in the FAQ: ‘How can I run automated tests against Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or CAPTCHA mechanisms in Maveryx?’

In addition to what has already been discussed, the need to keep tests up-to-date with respect to 2FA or CAPTCHA authentication mechanisms must be taken into account.

Feedback cycles: incorporate feedback mechanisms into the test process in a way that allows the test framework to adapt when the 2FA or CAPTCHA mechanisms are changed. This might involve

regularly updating test cases or using machine learning algorithms to recognize and adapt to changes in mechanisms.

Continuous monitoring: even after initial testing, it’s important to continuously monitor the behaviour of the 2FA or CAPTCHA mechanisms in your application. This may help identify any problems or changes that may occur over time. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Does Maveryx support elements inside a Shadow DOM?

Maveryx transparently supports management of Shadow DOMs.

In terms of test case writing, the tester doesn’t need to worry about having to manage this feature in any way; from their point of view, Shadow DOM objects are simply UI objects. For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:

If I can’t find an answer to my question, who should I contact?

For more information or help on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us:, or through our social media channels.

How do I open a support request with Maveryx?

The Maveryx Service Desk is the main point of contact through which customers can ask for assistance or request services. Customers can request a support ticket via the help portal Once they have input their credentials, the customer can access their reserved area, where they can report a bug or request personalized assistance. Tickets log the customer’s initial service request and every conversation that the Maveryx support team has with the customer until the problem is fixed.

What kinds of request can I send to Maveryx?

Customers can request a support ticket via the help portal Once they have input their credentials, the customer can access their reserved area, where they can report a bug or request technical assistance. Requests for code-level support can be used for specific problems concerning installation, the use of Maveryx and creation and execution of test cases.

Which services can Maveryx Customer Support provide for me?

According to the Maveryx subscription purchased, the Maveryx technical support experts are on hand to help customers with a wide range of support options, including bug resolution, support with installation or use of the software, test case writing and software customization services for a more personalized experience.

How can I report issues with Maveryx?

It can happen than when using Maveryx problems occur. For example, the software might suddenly crash or close, or it might not run test cases properly. The best and fastest way to report bugs is to use the help portal This tool ensures that the appropriate team takes care of the bug as quickly as possible! Once they have input their credentials, the customer can access their reserved area where they can describe the bug, giving as much information as possible such as the version of the application and the steps to take to reproduce the problem, which will help the Maveryx team fix the malfunction.

Can Maveryx help us create our test suite?

If you want to introduce the Maveryx software into your testing and you already have a large collection of ready and maintained manual test cases, the Maveryx team can do 2 things for you: show you how easy it is to quickly rewrite them, without incurring additional costs, or do it directly for you. Delegating test case rewriting to the Maveryx team allows customers to save 100% of their time and reinvest it in other activities for the quality of their products.