
What is Continuous Testing and why it is important.

In today’s fast-paced technological world, companies are under increasing pressure to deliver new features and enhanced products with consistent quality.
Continuous Testing is one of the best practices to start delivering higher quality software, faster.

Data-driven testing using Properties files

Data-Driven testing using properties files as test data source is feasible with Maveryx to handle UI elements and test input and results.
By this approach, changes to the tests can be made easily without accessing the source code.

CI: Azure DevOps with Ant

Maveryx tests can be run automatically in Jenkins, TeamCity, Azure DevOps, etc. In this example it is presented how to integrate Maveryx and ADO by using Ant.

Web Functional Testing.

Functional web testing aims to ensure that each function of the web application operates according to the requirement specification. The goal of this type of testing is to verify each function of the web application, by providing appropriate input and verifying the output against the functional requirements.