
Working with the Searching Criteria

Maveryx is able to inspect the AUT’s UI at runtime and recognize the UI’s objects to perform tests’ actions. The Maveryx component responsible for the runtime objects’ recognition is the GUI Object Finder.

Controlling Snapshots

Sometime you could have the need to test your application without taking Snapshot for every action or verification. Maybe because you need to save time and/or resources, or just because you don’t need to.

Testing Web Apps in headless mode

Using Maveryx you could have the need to test your Web Application without loading the UI. Maybe because your tests’ execution environment has no opened sessions or even no Desktop GUI, or you want to save the system’s resources, or just because you want to.

Data-driven test automation.

Anything that can be subject to change (elements such as environment, test data, expected results, etc.) is separated out from the test logic (scripts) and moved into an external source: a configuration or test dataset.
The logic executed in the script is driven by the data values.